When you own or purchase an older home, rental property, or condo in Florida, you will likely need a 4 point inspection before purchasing a homeowner’s policy or switching insurance companies. Most insurance companies will require a 4 point inspection when a home is older than 20 years.
You can get an insurance quote without an inspection. However, you will need a 4 Point Inspection before actually purchasing the policy. Each Florida insurance company has slightly different guidelines on when a 4 Point Inspection is required, so check with your Independent Insurance Agent. A 4 Point Inspection looks at the 4 major systems (Roof, Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC) in a home. An insurance company wants to know that the home has been well maintained, and the major systems are in good working condition. This is not a safety inspection. They are done by a licensed inspector or building contractor.
Here is what a 4 point inspection looks at:
Plumbing System - Type of supply and drain lines found in the home (copper, CPVC, galvanized, polybutelene, etc). Is there evidence of current leaks? The age of the hot water heater.
Some insurance companies like Citizens Insurance require the inspector to use their form. Other insurance companies allow the inspector to use their preferred format. In addition to the written report, the inspector will take photos of each of the major systems to provide to the insurance company. The 4 Point Inspection report is valid for different lengths of time depending on the insurance company.